System Arial Arial Arial System Arial Arial Arial Right Foulshot enterBook mmOpen clip "Foulshot" Right" "Incorrect" Foulshot buttonClick buttonClick mmPlay clip "Foulshot" stage " " wait CDBSE&File &Open... Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &As... saveas &Import... import &Export... export Print Set&up... printsetup &Print Pages... Ctrl+P printpages Prin&t Report... printreport Send &Mail... sendmail &Run... E&xit Alt+F4 &Edit &Undo Ctrl+Z Cu&t Ctrl+X &Copy Ctrl+C &Paste Ctrl+V paste C&lear Del clear Select &All Shift+F9 selectall Select Pa&ge Shift+F12 selectpage &Size to Page F11 sizetopage F&ind... F5 Re&place... replace Aut&hor F3 author &Text &Character... F6 character &Paragraph... F7 paragraph &Regular Ctrl+Space regular &Bold Ctrl+B &Italic Ctrl+I italic &Underline Ctrl+U underline Stri&keout Ctrl+K strikeout Superscrip&t/Subscript superscriptSubscript &Normal Script normalscript Su&bscript Ctrl+L subscript Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L superscript &Show Hotwords F9 showhotwords &Page &Next Alt+Right &Previous Alt+Left previous &First Alt+Up first &Last Alt+Down &Back Shift+F2 &History... Ctrl+F2 history N&ew Page Ctrl+N newpage &Help &Contents F1 contents Status &Bar F12 statusbar HPPCL5MS.DRV=yes Correct Right enterPage mmPlay clip "Right" That's right! It was a one-shot foul, because it occurred during a shot that scored. Incorrect Sorry! It was a one-shot foul, because it occurred during a shot that scored. A two-shot foul occurs during a shot that doesn't score.. Incorrect Correct Right Foulshot Return Question buttonClick buttonClick "Question" Question right.wav int\art\03walk\walkapp\right.wav foul.avi rint\art\03walk\walkapp\foul.avi Question Foul Shots! How many penalty shots can the fouled player take for the foul shown in the video??? Play a Video One shot Two shots Incorrect Correct buttonClick buttonClick B"1" = B"1" = "Correct" B"2" = "Incorrect" Foulshot buttonClick buttonClick mmPlay clip "Foulshot" stage " " wait Foulshot enterPage mmSeek clip "Foulshot" mmShow stage " " wait mmShow stage " 5" wait System Arial Arial Arial Right Foulshot To see how this application was built, switch to Author level by pressing F3. enterBook --opens )Reader level --displays hint dialog box "To see how was built, switch Author Hpressing F3." xclips mmOpen "Foulshot" "Right" :HDMEDIAPATH :CDMEDIAPATH *ClassTbl* *ClassEntry* *PTABLE* *WINDOWSEG* *ICONRESTAB* *ICONRESSEG* *ICONRES* Background *OBJTABLE* *IDTABLE* *NAMETAB* Rectangle Ellipse RoundedRectangle Polygon IrregularPolygon AngledLine Curve PaintObject Picture Group Stage Button Viewer ComboBox Field RecordField Hotword *RHOTWORD* *TbxBase*